ITW LPS® 02416 Chain and Wire Rope Lubricant, 16 oz. Aerosol Can, Gray/Black
ITW LPS® Chain and Wire Rope Lubricant, 11 oz., Size: 16 oz., Aerosol Can, Aliphatic and Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Mixture Base, Mild Alcohol, Gray/Black, Contains: Residual Oils, Petroleum, Solvent Refined 60 - 70%, Petroleum Gases, Liquefied, Sweetened 20 - 30%, Acetone < 10%, Distillates Petroleum, Hydroteated Light 1 - 5%, Petroleum Oil 1 - 5%, Propellant: Hydro Carbon, Liquid Film, Flash Point: < -4.0°F, Specific Gravity: 0.88 at 20°C, VOC Content: 22.33%, 32 to 300° F, 1,4,2 HMIS Rating, 1,4,0 NFPA Rating, For Bushings, Cables, Chains, Cranes, Cutting Tools, Drag Lines, Drives, Forklifts, Pins, Pulleys, Rollers, Saws, Sprockets, Wire Ropes
- Fortified with molybdenum disulfide
- A more focused spray pattern for superior penetration to the core of wire ropes
- Effective under extreme pressure and temperature ranges
- A more robust composition with foaming action to resist overspray
- Increases chain and wire rope life
- Reduces wear caused by friction and corrosion
- Provides maximum lubrication and corrosion protection
- High adhesion
- Use with guards in place to eliminate costly down time
- VOC compliant in all 50 states