LPS® Tapmatic® Cutting Oil, Series: TriCut, 16 oz, Bottle, 1.8 lb Net Weight, 130 - 160 cPs at 25 deg C, Liquid, Composition: Chlorinated Alkenes (40-52% Chlorine by wt.), Fats & glyceridic oils, animal, mixed 68991-18-4 20 - 30 with vegetable oil methyl esters, sulfurized, Fatty acids, tallow, methyl esters, chlorinated, Dark Brown, Mild Pine, > 150 deg C (302 deg F) Flash, 1.1 - 1.2 Specific Gravity
- Allows increased removal rates
- Improves surface finish
- Is non-corrosive to steel
- Extends tool life
- Flows directly to cutting edge
- Provides smooth, accurate cutting action
- Reduces friction
- Suitable for high and low speed applications